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Can I Chew Gum with Braces?

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If you get braces from an orthodontist, you shall be required to make various adjustments in your lifestyles. The adjustments are necessary to make the braces more effective. You shall be required to wear a mouthguard when you are in the sports field. Also, consumption of certain things will also be avoided. It is vital to remember that great thing does not come easy. Most of the people do not know whether it is okay to consume gum when you have braces.

People chew gums because of several reasons. It is going to prevent tooth decay. Research indicate that if you chew sugarless gums for more than 20 minutes, the amount of saliva is going to increase. Saliva is going to clean your mouth. It is also going to expel the acid that is being produced by the bacteria which are responsible for the decay of the teeth. Another benefit why you should chew gum is because it strengthens your tooth enamel.

If you have braces, it is not a good idea to chew gum. You are going to make a surprise visit to the orthodontist if you do not follow the directive. If you chew gums, it is going to get stuck and is challenging to remove. Also, the stuck gum will bend the wire. The way the teeth were expected to be aligned by the orthodontist is not going to be achieved if the wire is bent. The misalignment is going to continue if you do not spot the bending within the right time. Consequently, it is going to take weeks before you can get the right braces alignment.

Many people with braces continue to use the gum despite. If the gum is stuck on your teeth; then you should clean it very quickly. A toothbrush will be ideal for getting the gum off. It is, however, vital to be vigilant as vigorous brushing can damage the wire. Flossing is also helpful for removing the gum that is stuck between the wires. If flossing cannot loose then gum, then the last crooked teeth solution is to see an orthodontist.

If you are on braces, it is always vital to adhere to the directives that you have been given by the orthodontist. One of the things to avoid is chewing gum as it affects the efficacy of the braces. There is a group of people who chew gums to relieve themselves from pain. If alignment of the teeth is an issue; there are several over the counter medicines that you can purchase to ease the pain. If you are chewing gum to get a fresh breath, then there are other ideal alternatives that you can consider; for instance, you can drink a lemon or citrus juice.